Title 36


Subpart G - Smith River National Recreation Area Authority:16 U.S.C. 460bbb et seq. Source:63 FR 15059, Mar. 27, 1998, unless otherwise noted.

36: 38
Locatable Minerals
36: 292.60
   292.60 Purpose and scope.
36: 292.61
   292.61 Definitions.
36: 292.62
   292.62 Valid existing rights.
36: 292.63
   292.63 Plan of operations - supplementary requirements.
36: 292.64
   292.64 Plan of operations - approval.
36: 292.65
   292.65 Plan of operations - suspension.
36: 39
Outstanding Mineral Rights
36: 292.66
   292.66 Operating plan requirements - outstanding mineral rights.
36: 292.67
   292.67 Operating plan approval - outstanding mineral rights.
36: 40
Mineral Materials
36: 292.68
   292.68 Mineral material operations.
36: 41
Other Provisions
36: 292.69
   292.69 Concurrent reclamation.
36: 292.70
   292.70 Indemnification.