Title 31

PART 345

Part 345 - Regulations Governing 5 Percent Treasury Certificates Of Indebtedness - R.e.a. Series

PART 345 - REGULATIONS GOVERNING 5 PERCENT TREASURY CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS - R.E.A. SERIES Authority:31 U.S.C. 754 and 754b; 5 U.S.C. 301. Source:38 FR 35306, Dec. 27, 1973, unless otherwise noted.

31: 345.0
   345.0 Offering of certificates.
31: 345.1
   345.1 Description of certificates.
31: 345.2
   345.2 Subscription for purchase.
31: 345.3
   345.3 Issue date and payment.
31: 345.4
   345.4 Redemption/reinvestment.
31: 345.5
   345.5 Taxation.
31: 345.6
   345.6 General provisions.