Title 42

PART 51c

Part 51c - Grants For Community Health Services

PART 51c - GRANTS FOR COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES Authority:Sec. 330, Public Health Service Act, 89 Stat. 342, (42 U.S.C. 254c); sec. 215, Public Health Service Act, 58 Stat. 690, (42 U.S.C. 216). Link to an amendment published at 85 FR 83830, Dec. 23, 2020. Link to a delay published at 86 FR 7059, Jan. 26, 2021. Source:41 FR 53205, Dec. 3, 1976, unless otherwise noted.

42: A
Subpart A - General Provisions
42: 51c.101
   51c.101 Applicability.
42: 51c.102
   51c.102 Definitions.
42: 51c.103
   51c.103 Eligibility.
42: 51c.104
   51c.104 Application.
42: 51c.105
   51c.105 Accord with health planning.
42: 51c.106
   51c.106 Amount of grant.
42: 51c.107
   51c.107 Use of project funds.
42: 51c.108
   51c.108 Grant payments.
42: 51c.109
   51c.109 Nondiscrimination.
42: 51c.110
   51c.110 Confidentiality.
42: 51c.111
   51c.111 Publications and copyright.
42: 51c.112
   51c.112 Grantee accountability.
42: 51c.113
   51c.113 Applicability of 45 CFR part 75.
42: B
Subpart B - Grants for Planning and Developing Community Health Centers
42: 51c.201
   51c.201 Applicability.
42: 51c.202
   51c.202 Application.
42: 51c.203
   51c.203 Project elements.
42: 51c.204
   51c.204 Grant evaluation and award.
42: C
Subpart C - Grants for Operating Community Health Centers
42: 51c.301
   51c.301 Applicability.
42: 51c.302
   51c.302 Application.
42: 51c.303
   51c.303 Project elements.
42: 51c.304
   51c.304 Governing board.
42: 51c.305
   51c.305 Grant evaluation and award.
42: D
Subpart D - Grants for Operating Community Health Projects
42: 51c.401
   51c.401 Applicability.
42: 51c.402
   51c.402 Application.
42: 51c.403
   51c.403 Project elements.
42: 51c.404
   51c.404 Grant evaluation and award.
42: E
Subpart E - Acquisition and Modernization of Existing Buildings
42: 51c.501
   51c.501 Applicability.
42: 51c.502
   51c.502 Definitions.
42: 51c.503
   51c.503 Application.
42: 51c.504
   51c.504 Project elements.
42: 51c.505
   51c.505 Determination of cost.
42: 51c.506
   51c.506 Use of grant funds.
42: 51c.507
   51c.507 Facility which has previously received Federal grant.