Title 36

PART 292

Part 292 - National Recreation Areas


36: A
Subpart A - General
36: 292.1-292.10
   292.1-292.10 [Reserved]
36: B
Subpart B - Whiskeytown-Shasta-Trinity National Recreation Area
36: 292.11
   292.11 Introduction.
36: 292.12
   292.12 General provisions; procedures.
36: 292.13
   292.13 Standards.
36: C
Subpart C - Sawtooth National Recreation Area - Private Lands
36: 292.14
   292.14 Introduction.
36: 292.15
   292.15 General provisions - procedures.
36: 292.16
   292.16 Standards.
36: D
Subpart D - Sawtooth National Recreation Area - Federal Lands
36: 292.17
   292.17 General provisions.
36: 292.18
   292.18 Mineral resources.
36: E
Subpart E - Hells Canyon National Recreation Area - Private Lands
36: 292.20
   292.20 Purpose and scope.
36: 292.21
   292.21 Definitions.
36: 292.22
   292.22 Land category assignments.
36: 292.23
   292.23 Standards of compatible land use and development.
36: 292.24
   292.24 Determination of compliance and noncompliance.
36: 292.25
   292.25 Information requirements.
36: F
Subpart F - Hells Canyon National Recreation Area - Federal Lands
36: 292.40
   292.40 Purpose and scope.
36: 292.41
   292.41 Definitions.
36: 292.42
   292.42 Management standards and guidelines.
36: 292.43
   292.43 Protection and preservation of cultural and paleontological resources.
36: 292.44
   292.44 Use of motorized and mechanical equipment.
36: 292.45
   292.45 Use of motorized and non-motorized rivercraft.
36: 292.46
   292.46 Timber harvesting activities.
36: 292.47
   292.47 Mining activities.
36: 292.48
   292.48 Grazing activities.
36: G
Subpart G - Smith River National Recreation Area
36: 38
   Locatable Minerals
36: 292.60
   292.60 Purpose and scope.
36: 292.61
   292.61 Definitions.
36: 292.62
   292.62 Valid existing rights.
36: 292.63
   292.63 Plan of operations - supplementary requirements.
36: 292.64
   292.64 Plan of operations - approval.
36: 292.65
   292.65 Plan of operations - suspension.
36: 39
   Outstanding Mineral Rights
36: 292.66
   292.66 Operating plan requirements - outstanding mineral rights.
36: 292.67
   292.67 Operating plan approval - outstanding mineral rights.
36: 40
   Mineral Materials
36: 292.68
   292.68 Mineral material operations.
36: 41
   Other Provisions
36: 292.69
   292.69 Concurrent reclamation.
36: 292.70
   292.70 Indemnification.