Title 25

PART 276

Part 276 - Uniform Administrative Requirements For Grants

PART 276 - UNIFORM ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS FOR GRANTS Authority:34 CFR 256; Sec. 104, Pub. L. 93-638, 88 Stat. 2203, 2207 (25 U.S.C. 450h). Source:40 FR 51316, Nov. 4, 1975, unless otherwise noted.

25: 276.1
   276.1 Purpose and scope.
25: 276.2
   276.2 Definitions.
25: 276.3
   276.3 Cash depositories.
25: 276.4
   276.4 Bondings and insurance.
25: 276.5
   276.5 Recordkeeping.
25: 276.6
   276.6 Program income.
25: 276.7
   276.7 Standards for grantee financial management systems.
25: 276.8
   276.8 Financial reporting requirements.
25: 276.9
   276.9 Monitoring and reporting program performances.
25: 276.10
   276.10 Grant payment requirements.
25: 276.11
   276.11 Property management standards.
25: 276.12
   276.12 Procurement standards.
25: 276.13
   276.13 Indian preference in grant administration.
25: 276.14
   276.14 Budget revision.
25: 276.15
   276.15 Grant closeout.
25: 276.16
   276.16 Subgrants and subcontracts to non-profit organizations.
25: 276.17
   276.17 Printing.
25: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Part 276 - Principles for Determining Costs Applicable to Grants
25: Appendix B
   Appendix B to Part 276 - Financial Reporting Requirements