Title 7

PART 701

Part 701 - Emergency Conservation Program, Emergency Forest Restoration Program, And Certain Related Programs Previously Administered Under This Part

PART 701 - EMERGENCY CONSERVATION PROGRAM, EMERGENCY FOREST RESTORATION PROGRAM, AND CERTAIN RELATED PROGRAMS PREVIOUSLY ADMINISTERED UNDER THIS PART Authority:16 U.S.C. 2201-2206; Sec. 101, Pub. L. 109-148, 119 Stat. 2747; and Pub. L. 111-212, 124 Stat. 2302 Source:69 FR 10302, Mar. 4, 2004, unless otherwise noted.

7: A
Subpart A - General
7: 701.1
   701.1 Administration.
7: 701.2
   701.2 Definitions.
7: 701.3-701.12
   701.3-701.12 [Reserved]
7: 701.13
   701.13 Submitting requests.
7: 701.14
   701.14 Onsite inspections.
7: 701.15
   701.15 Starting practices before cost-share request is submitted; non-entitlement to payment; payment subject to the availability of funds.
7: 701.16
   701.16 Practice approval.
7: 701.17-701.20
   701.17-701.20 [Reserved]
7: 701.21
   701.21 Filing payment application.
7: 701.22
   701.22 Eligibility to file for cost-share assistance.
7: 701.23
   701.23 Eligible costs.
7: 701.24
   701.24 Dividing cost-share among more than one participant.
7: 701.25
   701.25 Practices carried out with aid from ineligible persons or ineligible legal entities.
7: 701.26-701.30
   701.26-701.30 [Reserved]
7: 701.31
   701.31 Maintenance and proper use of practices.
7: 701.32
   701.32 Failure to comply with program provisions.
7: 701.33
   701.33 Death, incompetency, or disappearance.
7: 701.34
   701.34 Appeals.
7: 701.35
   701.35 Compliance with regulatory measures.
7: 701.36
   701.36 Schemes and devices and claims avoidances.
7: 701.37
   701.37 Loss of control of the property during the practice life span.
7: 701.38-701.40
   701.38-701.40 [Reserved]
7: 701.41
   701.41 Cost-share assistance not subject to claims.
7: 701.42
   701.42 Assignments.
7: 701.43
   701.43 Information collection requirements.
7: 701.44
   701.44 Agricultural Conservation Program (ACP) contracts.
7: 701.45
   701.45 Forestry Incentives Program (FIP) contracts.
7: B
Subpart B - Emergency Conservation Program
7: 701.100-701.102
   701.100-701.102 [Reserved]
7: 701.103
   701.103 Eligible losses, objective, and payments.
7: 701.104
   701.104 Producer eligibility.
7: 701.105
   701.105 Land eligibility.
7: 701.106-701.109
   701.106-701.109 [Reserved]
7: 701.110
   701.110 Qualifying minimum cost of restoration.
7: 701.111
   701.111 Prohibition on duplicate payments.
7: 701.112
   701.112 Eligible ECP practices.
7: 701.113-701.116
   701.113-701.116 [Reserved]
7: 701.117
   701.117 Average adjusted gross income limitation.
7: 701.118-701.125
   701.118-701.125 [Reserved]
7: 701.126
   701.126 Maximum cost-share percentage.
7: 701.127
   701.127 Maximum ECP payments per person or legal entity.
7: 718.128
   718.128 Repair or replacement of fencing.
7: 701.129-701.149
   701.129-701.149 [Reserved]
7: 701.150
   701.150 2005 hurricanes.
7: 701.151
   701.151 Definitions.
7: 701.152
   701.152 Availability of funding.
7: 701.153
   701.153 Debris removal and water for livestock.
7: 701.154
   701.154 [Reserved]
7: 701.155
   701.155 Nursery.
7: 701.156
   701.156 Poultry.
7: 701.157
   701.157 Private non-industrial forest land.
7: C
Subpart C - Emergency Forest Restoration Program
7: 701.200-701.202
   701.200-701.202 [Reserved]
7: 701.203
   701.203 Eligible measures, objectives, and assistance.
7: 701.204
   701.204 Participant eligibility.
7: 701.205
   701.205 Land eligibility.
7: 701.206-701.209
   701.206-701.209 [Reserved]
7: 701.210
   701.210 Qualifying minimum cost of restoration.
7: 701.211
   701.211 Prohibition on duplicate payments.
7: 701.212
   701.212 Eligible EFRP practices.
7: 701.213-701.225
   701.213-701.225 [Reserved]
7: 701.226
   701.226 Maximum financial assistance.