Title 32

PART 239

Part 239 - Homeowners Assistance Program - Application Processing

PART 239 - HOMEOWNERS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM - APPLICATION PROCESSING Authority:42 U.S.C. 3374, as amended by Section 1001, ARRA, Public Law 111-5. Source:75 FR 69873, Nov. 16, 2010, unless otherwise noted.

32: 239.1
   239.1 Purpose.
32: 239.2
   239.2 Applicability and scope.
32: 239.3
   239.3 Policy.
32: 239.4
   239.4 Definitions.
32: 239.5
   239.5 Benefit elections.
32: 239.6
   239.6 Eligibility.
32: 239.7
   239.7 Responsibilities.
32: 239.8
   239.8 Funding.
32: 239.9
   239.9 Application processing procedures.
32: 239.10
   239.10 Management controls.
32: 239.11
   239.11 Appeals.
32: 239.12
   239.12 Tax documentation.
32: 239.13
   239.13 Program performance reviews.
32: 239.14
   239.14 On-site inspections.
32: 239.15.
   239.15. List of HAP Field Offices.