Title 48

PART 1850

Part 1850 - Extraordinary Contractual Actions And The Safety Act

PART 1850 - EXTRAORDINARY CONTRACTUAL ACTIONS AND THE SAFETY ACT Authority:51 U.S.C. 20113(a) and 48 CFR chapter 1. Source:76 FR 72328, Nov. 23, 2011, unless otherwise noted.

48: 1850.1
Subpart 1850.1 - Extraordinary Contractual Actions
48: 1850.102
   1850.102 Delegation of and limitations of exercise of authority.
48: 1850.102-2
   1850.102-2 Contract adjustment boards.
48: 1850.103
   1850.103 Contract adjustments.
48: 1850.103-5
   1850.103-5 Processing cases.
48: 1850.103-570
   1850.103-570 Submission of request to the Contract Adjustment Board.
48: 1850.103-6
   1850.103-6 Disposition.
48: 1850.103-670
   1850.103-670 Implementation of the Contract Adjustment Board's decision.
48: 1850.104
   1850.104 Residual powers.
48: 1850.104-2
   1850.104-2 General.
48: 1850.104-3
   1850.104-3 Special procedures for unusually hazardous or nuclear risks.
48: 1850.104-370
   1850.104-370 Subcontractor indemnification requests.
48: 1850.104-4
   1850.104-4 Contract clause.