Title 48

PART 1733

Part 1733 - Protests, Disputes, And Appeals

PART 1733 - PROTESTS, DISPUTES, AND APPEALS Authority:40 U.S.C. 486(c); 48 CFR 1.301. Source:51 FR 44296, Dec. 9, 1986, unless otherwise noted.

48: 1733.2
Subpart 1733.2 - Disputes and Appeals
48: 1733.203
   1733.203 Applicability.
48: 1733.203-70
   1733.203-70 Designation of the Interior Board of Contract Appeals to decide OPM appeals.
48: 1733.209
   1733.209 Suspected fraudulent claims.
48: 1733.211
   1733.211 Contracting officer's decision.
48: 1733.212
   1733.212 Contracting officer's duties upon appeal.
48: 1733.214
   1733.214 Contract clause.