Title 34

PART 397

Part 397 - Limitations On Use Of Subminimum Wage

PART 397 - LIMITATIONS ON USE OF SUBMINIMUM WAGE Authority:Section 511 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; 29 U.S.C. 794g, unless otherwise noted. Source:81 FR 55785, Aug. 19, 2016, unless otherwise noted.

34: A
Subpart A - General Provisions
34: 397.1
   397.1 Purpose.
34: 397.2
   397.2 What is the Department of Education's jurisdiction under this part
34: 397.3
   397.3 What rules of construction apply to this part
34: 397.4
   397.4 What regulations apply
34: 397.5
   397.5 What definitions apply
34: B
Subpart B - Coordinated Documentation Procedures Related to Youth with Disabilities
34: 397.10
   397.10 What documentation process must the designated State unit develop
34: C
Subpart C - Designated State Unit Responsibilities Prior to Youth With Disabilities Starting Subminimum Wage Employment
34: 397.20
   397.20 What are the responsibilities of a designated State unit to youth with disabilities who are known to be seeking subminimum wage employment
34: D
Subpart D - Local Educational Agency Responsibilities Prior to Youth With Disabilities Starting Subminimum Wage Employment
34: 397.30
   397.30 What are the responsibilities of a local educational agency to youth with disabilities who are known to be seeking subminimum wage employment
34: 397.31
   397.31 What are the contracting limitations on educational agencies under this part
34: E
Subpart E - Designated State Unit Responsibilities to Individuals With Disabilities During Subminimum Wage Employment
34: 397.40
   397.40 What are the responsibilities of a designated State unit for individuals with disabilities, regardless of age, who are employed at a subminimum wage
34: F
Subpart F - Review of Documentation
34: 397.50
   397.50 What is the role of the designated State unit in the review of documentation under this part