Title 34

PART 363

Part 363 - The State Supported Employment Services Program

PART 363 - THE STATE SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT SERVICES PROGRAM Authority:Sections 602-608 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; 29 U.S.C. 795g-795m, unless otherwise noted. Source:81 FR 55780, Aug. 19, 2016, unless otherwise noted.

34: A
Subpart A - General
34: 363.1
   363.1 What is the State Supported Employment Services program
34: 363.2
   363.2 Who is eligible for an award
34: 363.3
   363.3 Who is eligible for services
34: 363.4
   363.4 What are the authorized activities under the State Supported Employment Services program
34: 363.5
   363.5 What regulations apply
34: 363.6
   363.6 What definitions apply
34: B
Subpart B - How Does a State Apply for a Grant
34: 363.10
   363.10 What documents must a State submit to receive a grant
34: 363.11
   363.11 What are the vocational rehabilitation services portion of the Unified or Combined State Plan supplement requirements
34: C
Subpart C - How Are State Supported Employment Services Programs Financed
34: 363.20
   363.20 How does the Secretary allot funds
34: 363.21
   363.21 How does the Secretary reallot funds
34: 363.22
   363.22 How are funds reserved for youth with the most significant disabilities
34: 363.23
   363.23 What are the matching requirements
34: 363.24
   363.24 What is program income and how may it be used
34: 363.25
   363.25 What is the period of availability of funds
34: D
Subparts D-E [Reserved]
34: F
Subpart F - What Post-Award Conditions Must Be Met by a State
34: 363.50
   363.50 What collaborative agreements must the State develop
34: 363.51
   363.51 What are the allowable administrative costs
34: 363.52
   363.52 What are the information collection and reporting requirements
34: 363.53
   363.53 What requirements must a designated State unit meet for the transition of an individual to extended services
34: 363.54
   363.54 When will an individual be considered to have achieved an employment outcome in supported employment
34: 363.55
   363.55 When will the service record of an individual who has achieved an employment outcome in supported employment be closed
34: 363.56
   363.56 What notice requirements apply to this program