Title 42

PART 1002

Part 1002 - Program Integrity - State-initiated Exclusions From Medicaid

PART 1002 - PROGRAM INTEGRITY - STATE-INITIATED EXCLUSIONS FROM MEDICAID Authority:42 U.S.C. 1302, 1320a-3, 1320a-5, 1320a-7, 1396(a)(4)(A), 1396a(p), 1396a(a)(39), 1396a(a)(41), and 1396b(i)(2). Source:57 FR 3343, Jan. 29, 1992, unless otherwise noted.

42: A
Subpart A - General Provisions
42: 1002.1
   1002.1 Basis and scope.
42: 1002.2
   1002.2 Other applicable regulations.
42: 1002.3
   1002.3 General authority.
42: 1002.4
   1002.4 Disclosure by providers and State Medicaid agencies.
42: 1002.5
   1002.5 State plan requirement.
42: 1002.6
   1002.6 Payment prohibitions.
42: B
Subpart B - State Exclusion of Certain Managed Care Entities
42: 1002.203
   1002.203 State exclusion of certain managed care entities.
42: C
Subpart C - Procedures for State-Initiated Exclusions
42: 1002.210
   1002.210 General authority.
42: 1002.211
   1002.211 [Reserved]
42: 1002.212
   1002.212 State agency notifications.
42: 1002.213
   1002.213 Appeals of exclusions.
42: 1002.214
   1002.214 Basis for reinstatement after State agency-initiated exclusion.
42: 1002.215
   1002.215 Action on request for reinstatement.
42: D
Subpart D - Notification to OIG of State or Local Convictions of Crimes Against Medicaid
42: 1002.230
   1002.230 Notification of State or local convictions of crimes against Medicaid.