Title 14


Part 23 - Airworthiness Standards: Normal Category Airplanes

PART 23 - AIRWORTHINESS STANDARDS: NORMAL CATEGORY AIRPLANES Authority:49 U.S.C. 106(f), 106(g), 40113, 44701-44702, 44704, Pub. L. 113-53, 127 Stat. 584 (49 U.S.C. 44704) note. Source:Doc. No. FAA-2015-1621, Amdt. 23-64, 81 FR 96689, Dec. 30, 2016, unless otherwise noted.

14: 23.1457
   23.1457 Cockpit voice recorders.
14: 23.1459
   23.1459 Flight data recorders.
14: 23.1529
   23.1529 Instructions for continued airworthiness.
14: A
Subpart A - General
14: 23.2000
   23.2000 Applicability and definitions.
14: 23.2005
   23.2005 Certification of normal category airplanes.
14: 23.2010
   23.2010 Accepted means of compliance.
14: B
Subpart B - Flight
14: 19
14: 23.2100
   23.2100 Weight and center of gravity.
14: 23.2105
   23.2105 Performance data.
14: 23.2110
   23.2110 Stall speed.
14: 23.2115
   23.2115 Takeoff performance.
14: 23.2120
   23.2120 Climb requirements.
14: 23.2125
   23.2125 Climb information.
14: 23.2130
   23.2130 Landing.
14: 20
   Flight Characteristics
14: 23.2135
   23.2135 Controllability.
14: 23.2140
   23.2140 Trim.
14: 23.2145
   23.2145 Stability.
14: 23.2150
   23.2150 Stall characteristics, stall warning, and spins.
14: 23.2155
   23.2155 Ground and water handling characteristics.
14: 23.2160
   23.2160 Vibration, buffeting, and high-speed characteristics.
14: 23.2165
   23.2165 Performance and flight characteristics requirements for flight in icing conditions.
14: C
Subpart C - Structures
14: 21
   Structural Loads
14: 23.2200
   23.2200 Structural design envelope.
14: 23.2205
   23.2205 Interaction of systems and structures.
14: 23.2210
   23.2210 Structural design loads.
14: 23.2215
   23.2215 Flight load conditions.
14: 23.2220
   23.2220 Ground and water load conditions.
14: 23.2225
   23.2225 Component loading conditions.
14: 23.2230
   23.2230 Limit and ultimate loads.
14: 22
   Structural Performance
14: 23.2235
   23.2235 Structural strength.
14: 23.2240
   23.2240 Structural durability.
14: 23.2245
   23.2245 Aeroelasticity.
14: 23
14: 23.2250
   23.2250 Design and construction principles.
14: 23.2255
   23.2255 Protection of structure.
14: 23.2260
   23.2260 Materials and processes.
14: 23.2265
   23.2265 Special factors of safety.
14: 24
   Structural Occupant Protection
14: 23.2270
   23.2270 Emergency conditions.
14: D
Subpart D - Design and Construction
14: 25
   Occupant System Design Protection
14: 23.2300
   23.2300 Flight control systems.
14: 23.2305
   23.2305 Landing gear systems.
14: 23.2310
   23.2310 Buoyancy for seaplanes and amphibians.
14: 23.2315
   23.2315 Means of egress and emergency exits.
14: 23.2320
   23.2320 Occupant physical environment.
14: 26
   Fire and High Energy Protection
14: 23.2325
   23.2325 Fire protection.
14: 23.2330
   23.2330 Fire protection in designated fire zones and adjacent areas.
14: 23.2335
   23.2335 Lightning protection.
14: E
Subpart E - Powerplant
14: 23.2400
   23.2400 Powerplant installation.
14: 23.2405
   23.2405 Automatic power or thrust control systems.
14: 23.2410
   23.2410 Powerplant installation hazard assessment.
14: 23.2415
   23.2415 Powerplant ice protection.
14: 23.2420
   23.2420 Reversing systems.
14: 23.2425
   23.2425 Powerplant operational characteristics.
14: 23.2430
   23.2430 Fuel systems.
14: 23.2435
   23.2435 Powerplant induction and exhaust systems.
14: 23.2440
   23.2440 Powerplant fire protection.
14: F
Subpart F - Equipment
14: 23.2500
   23.2500 Airplane level systems requirements.
14: 23.2505
   23.2505 Function and installation.
14: 23.2510
   23.2510 Equipment, systems, and installations.
14: 23.2515
   23.2515 Electrical and electronic system lightning protection.
14: 23.2520
   23.2520 High-intensity Radiated Fields (HIRF) protection.
14: 23.2525
   23.2525 System power generation, storage, and distribution.
14: 23.2530
   23.2530 External and cockpit lighting.
14: 23.2535
   23.2535 Safety equipment.
14: 23.2540
   23.2540 Flight in icing conditions.
14: 23.2545
   23.2545 Pressurized systems elements.
14: 23.2550
   23.2550 Equipment containing high-energy rotors.
14: G
Subpart G - Flightcrew Interface and Other Information
14: 23.2600
   23.2600 Flightcrew interface.
14: 23.2605
   23.2605 Installation and operation.
14: 23.2610
   23.2610 Instrument markings, control markings, and placards.
14: 23.2615
   23.2615 Flight, navigation, and powerplant instruments.
14: 23.2620
   23.2620 Airplane flight manual.
14: 0
14: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Part 23 - Instructions for Continued Airworthiness