Title 18


Part 5 - Integrated License Application Process

PART 5 - INTEGRATED LICENSE APPLICATION PROCESS Authority:16 U.S.C. 792-828c, 2601-2645; 42 U.S.C. 7101-7352. Source:Order 2002, 68 FR 51121, Aug. 25, 2003, unless otherwise noted.

18: 5.1
   5.1 Applicability, definitions, and requirement to consult.
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   5.2 Document availability.
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   5.3 Process selection.
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   5.4 Acceleration of a license expiration date.
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   5.5 Notification of intent.
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   5.6 Pre-application document.
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   5.7 Tribal consultation.
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   5.8 Notice of commencement of proceeding and scoping document, or of approval to use traditional licensing process or alternative procedures.
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   5.9 Comments and information or study requests.
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   5.10 Scoping Document 2.
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   5.11 Potential Applicant's proposed study plan and study plan meetings.
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   5.12 Comments on proposed study plan.
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   5.13 Revised study plan and study plan determination.
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   5.14 Formal study dispute resolution process.
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   5.15 Conduct of studies.
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   5.16 Preliminary licensing proposal.
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   5.17 Filing of application.
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   5.18 Application content.
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   5.19 Tendering notice and schedule.
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   5.20 Deficient applications.
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   5.21 Additional information.
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   5.22 Notice of acceptance and ready for environmental analysis.
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   5.23 Response to notice.
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   5.24 Applications not requiring a draft NEPA document.
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   5.25 Applications requiring a draft NEPA document.
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   5.26 Section 10(j) process.
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   5.27 Amendment of application.
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   5.28 Competing applications.
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   5.29 Other provisions.
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   5.30 Critical energy infrastructure information.
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   5.31 Transition provision.