Title 49


Title 49 - Transportation--Volume 4

49:4  Transportation--Volume 4
49:4.1Subtitle B - Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued)
      PARTS 200 - 299
      PARTS 200 - 299
49:      Civil Penalties [SUBJGRP]
49:      Criminal Penalties [SUBJGRP]
49:      Suspension System [SUBJGRP]
49:      Car Bodies [SUBJGRP]
49:      Draft System [SUBJGRP]
49:      Silenced Horns at Individual Crossings [SUBJGRP]
49:      Silenced Horns at Groups of Crossings - Quiet Zones [SUBJGRP]
49:      General Requirements [SUBJGRP]
49:      Brake System [SUBJGRP]
49:      Draft System [SUBJGRP]
49:      Suspension System [SUBJGRP]
49:      Electrical System [SUBJGRP]
49:      Internal Combustion Equipment [SUBJGRP]
49:      Steam Generators [SUBJGRP]
49:      Cabs and Cab Equipment [SUBJGRP]
49:      General Inspection Requirements [SUBJGRP]
49:      Recordkeeping Requirements [SUBJGRP]
49:      Allowable Stress [SUBJGRP]
49:      Strength of Materials [SUBJGRP]
49:      Inspection and Repair [SUBJGRP]
49:      Pressure Testing of Boilers [SUBJGRP]
49:      Staybolts [SUBJGRP]
49:      Steam Gauges [SUBJGRP]
49:      Safety Relief Valves [SUBJGRP]
49:      Water Glasses and Gauge Cocks [SUBJGRP]
49:      Injectors, Feedwater Pumps, and Flue Plugs [SUBJGRP]
49:      Fusible Plugs [SUBJGRP]
49:      Washing Boilers [SUBJGRP]
49:      Steam Pipes [SUBJGRP]
49:      Steam Leaks [SUBJGRP]
49:      Speed Indicators [SUBJGRP]
49:      Ash Pans [SUBJGRP]
49:      Brake and Signal Equipment [SUBJGRP]
49:      Cabs, Warning Signals, Sanders and Lights [SUBJGRP]
49:      Throttles and Reversing Gear [SUBJGRP]
49:      Draw Gear and Draft Systems [SUBJGRP]
49:      Driving Gear [SUBJGRP]
49:      Running Gear [SUBJGRP]
49:      Trucks, Frames and Equalizing System [SUBJGRP]
49:      Wheels and Tires [SUBJGRP]
49:      Steam Locomotive Tanks [SUBJGRP]
49:      Maintenance Standards [SUBJGRP]
49:      Inspections and Tests [SUBJGRP]
49:      Requirements for Processor-Based Systems [SUBJGRP]
49:      General [SUBJGRP]
49:      Roadway Signals and Cab Signals [SUBJGRP]
49:      Track Circuits [SUBJGRP]
49:      Wires and Cables [SUBJGRP]
49:      Inspections and Tests; All Systems [SUBJGRP]
49:      Standards [SUBJGRP]
49:      Standards [SUBJGRP]
49:      Rules and Instructions [SUBJGRP]
49:      Inspection and Tests [SUBJGRP]
49:      Standards [SUBJGRP]
49:      Rules and Instructions [SUBJGRP]
49:      Inspection and Tests [SUBJGRP]
49:      Standards [SUBJGRP]
49:      Rules and Instructions; Roadway [SUBJGRP]
49:      Rules and Instructions; Locomotives [SUBJGRP]
49:      Inspection and Tests; Roadway [SUBJGRP]
49:      Inspection and Tests; Locomotive [SUBJGRP]
49:      Standards [SUBJGRP]
49:      Trainset Structure [SUBJGRP]
49:      Glazing [SUBJGRP]
49:      Brake System [SUBJGRP]
49:      Interior Fittings and Surfaces [SUBJGRP]
49:      Emergency Systems [SUBJGRP]
49:      Cab Equipment [SUBJGRP]
49:      Regulations Governing Applications for and Disbursement of Financial Assistance [SUBJGRP]