Title 7


Appendix A to Subpart E of Part 1724 - Hazard Potential Classification for Civil Works Projects

7: : Appendix A

Appendix A to Subpart E of Part 1724 - Hazard Potential Classification for Civil Works Projects

The source for this appendix is U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineering and Design Dam Safety Assurance Program, ER 1110-2-1155, Appendix E. Appendix E is available from the address listed in § 1724.55(a)(2).

Category 1 Low Significant High
Direct Loss of Life 2 None expected (due to rural location with no permanent structures for human habitation) Uncertain (rural location with few residences and only transient or industrial development) Certain (one or more extensive residential, commercial or industrial development).
Lifeline Losses 3 No disruption of services - repairs are cosmetic or rapidly repairable damage Disruption of essential facilities and access Disruption of critical facilities and access.
Property Losses 4 Private agricultural lands, equipment and isolated buildings Major public and private facilities Extensive public and private facilities.
Environmental Losses 5 Minimal incremental damage Major mitigation required Extensive mitigation cost or impossible to mitigate.