Title 43


Subpart F - Handling Confidential Information Source:77 FR 76906, Dec. 31, 2012, unless otherwise noted.

43: 2.26
   2.26 May submitters of possibly confidential information designate information as confidential when making Departmental submissions
43: 2.27
   2.27 When will the bureau notify a submitter of a request for their possibly confidential information
43: 2.28
   2.28 What information will the bureau include when it notifies a submitter of a request for their possibly confidential information
43: 2.29
   2.29 When will the bureau not notify a submitter of a request for their possibly confidential information
43: 2.30
   2.30 How and when may a submitter object to the disclosure of confidential information
43: 2.31
   2.31 What must a submitter include in a detailed Exemption 4 objection statement
43: 2.32
   2.32 How will the bureau consider the submitter's objections
43: 2.33
   2.33 What if the bureau determines it will disclose information over the submitter's objections
43: 2.34
   2.34 Will a submitter be notified of a FOIA lawsuit
43: 2.35
   2.35 Will you receive notification of activities involving the submitter
43: 2.36
   2.36 Can a bureau release information protected by Exemption 4