Title 36


Subpart F - The Forest Resources Conservation and Shortage Relief Act of 1990 Program Source:60 FR 46922, Sept. 8, 1995, unless otherwise noted.

36: 223.185
   223.185 Scope and applicability.
36: 223.186
   223.186 Definitions.
36: 223.187
   223.187 Determinations of unprocessed timber.
36: 223.188
   223.188 Prohibitions against exporting unprocessed Federal timber.
36: 223.189
   223.189 Prohibitions against substitution.
36: 223.190
   223.190 Sourcing area application procedures.
36: 223.191
   223.191 Sourcing area disapproval and review procedures.
36: 223.192
   223.192 Procedures for a non-manufacturer.
36: 223.193
   223.193 Procedures for reporting acquisition and disposition of unprocessed Federal timber.
36: 223.194
   223.194 Procedures for reporting the acquisition and disposition of unprocessed private timber.
36: 223.195
   223.195 Procedures for identifying and marking unprocessed timber.
36: 223.196
   223.196 Civil penalties for violation.
36: 223.197
   223.197 Civil penalty assessment procedures.
36: 223.198
   223.198 Administrative remedies.
36: 223.199
   223.199 Procedures for cooperating with other agencies.
36: 223.200
   223.200 Determinations of surplus species.
36: 223.201
   223.201 Limitations on unprocessed timber harvested in Alaska.
36: 223.202
   223.202 Information requirements.
36: 223.203
   223.203 Indirect substitution exception for National Forest System timber from within Washington State.