Title 34


Subpart C - Federal Property Management

34: 395.30
   395.30 The location and operation of vending facilities for blind vendors on Federal property.
34: 395.31
   395.31 Acquisition and occupation of Federal property.
34: 395.32
   395.32 Collection and distribution of vending machine income from vending machines on Federal property.
34: 395.33
   395.33 Operation of cafeterias by blind vendors.
34: 395.34
   395.34 Application for permits.
34: 395.35
   395.35 Terms of permit.
34: 395.36
   395.36 Enforcement procedures.
34: 395.37
   395.37 Arbitration of State licensing agency complaints.
34: 395.38
   395.38 Reports.