Title 34


Subpart F - What Conditions Must Be Met After an Award?

34: 367.60
   367.60 When may a DSA make subawards or contracts
34: 367.61
   367.61 What matching requirements apply
34: 367.62
   367.62 What requirements apply if the State's non-Federal share is in cash
34: 367.63
   367.63 What requirements apply if the State's non-Federal share is in kind
34: 367.64
   367.64 What is the prohibition against a State's condition of an award of a sub-award or contract based on cash or in-kind contributions
34: 367.65
   367.65 What is program income and how may it be used
34: 367.66
   367.66 What requirements apply to the obligation of Federal funds and program income
34: 367.67
   367.67 May an individual's ability to pay be considered in determining his or her participation in the costs of OIB services
34: 367.68
   367.68 What notice must be given about the Client Assistance Program (CAP)
34: 367.69
   367.69 What are the special requirements pertaining to the protection, use, and release of personal information
34: 367.70
   367.70 What access to records must be provided
34: 367.71
   367.71 What records must be maintained