Title 24


Subpart B - Certification of Substantially Equivalent Agencies

24: 115.200
   115.200 Purpose.
24: 115.201
   115.201 The two phases of substantial equivalency certification.
24: 115.202
   115.202 Request for interim certification.
24: 115.203
   115.203 Interim certification procedures.
24: 115.204
   115.204 Criteria for adequacy of law.
24: 115.205
   115.205 Certification procedures.
24: 115.206
   115.206 Performance assessments; Performance standards.
24: 115.207
   115.207 Consequences of interim certification and certification.
24: 115.208
   115.208 Procedures for renewal of certification.
24: 115.209
   115.209 Technical assistance.
24: 115.210
   115.210 Performance deficiency procedures; Suspension; Withdrawal.
24: 115.211
   115.211 Changes limiting effectiveness of agency's law; Corrective actions; Suspension; Withdrawal; Consequences of repeal; Changes not limiting effectiveness.
24: 115.212
   115.212 Request after withdrawal.