Title 24


Subpart D - Allocation Formula

24: 1000.301
   1000.301 What is the purpose of the IHBG formula
24: 1000.302
   1000.302 What are the definitions applicable for the IHBG formula
24: 1000.304
   1000.304 May the IHBG formula be modified
24: 1000.306
   1000.306 How can the IHBG formula be modified
24: 1000.308
   1000.308 Who can make modifications to the IHBG formula
24: 1000.310
   1000.310 What are the components of the IHBG formula
24: 1000.312
   1000.312 What is current assisted stock
24: 1000.314
   1000.314 What is formula current assisted stock
24: 1000.315
   1000.315 Is a recipient required to report changes to the Formula Current Assisted Stock (FCAS) on the Formula Response Form
24: 1000.316
   1000.316 How is the Formula Current Assisted Stock (FCAS) Component developed
24: 1000.317
   1000.317 Who is the recipient for funds for current assisted stock which is owned by state-created Regional Native Housing Authorities in Alaska
24: 1000.318
   1000.318 When do units under Formula Current Assisted Stock cease to be counted or expire from the inventory used for the formula
24: 1000.319
   1000.319 What would happen if a recipient misreports or fails to correct Formula Current Assisted Stock (FCAS) information on the Formula Response Form
24: 1000.320
   1000.320 How is Formula Current Assisted Stock adjusted for local area costs
24: 1000.322
   1000.322 Are IHA financed units included in the determination of Formula Current Assisted Stock
24: 1000.324
   1000.324 How is the need component developed
24: 1000.325
   1000.325 How is the need component adjusted for local area costs
24: 1000.326
   1000.326 What if a formula area is served by more than one Indian tribe
24: 1000.327
   1000.327 What is the order of preference for allocating the IHBG formula needs data for Indian tribes in Alaska not located on reservations due to the unique circumstances in Alaska
24: 1000.328
   1000.328 What is the minimum amount that an Indian tribe may receive under the need component of the formula
24: 1000.329
   1000.329 What is the minimum total grant allocated to a tribe if there is carryover funds available
24: 1000.330
   1000.330 What are the data sources for the need variables
24: 1000.331
   1000.331 How will the impacts from adoption of a new data source be minimized as the new data source is implemented
24: 1000.332
   1000.332 Will data used by HUD to determine an Indian tribe's or TDHE's formula allocation be provided to the Indian tribe or TDHE before the allocation
24: 1000.334
   1000.334 May Indian tribes, TDHEs, or HUD challenge the data from the U.S. Decennial Census or provide an alternative source of data
24: 1000.336
   1000.336 How may an Indian tribe, TDHE, or HUD challenge data or appeal HUD formula determinations
24: 1000.340
   1000.340 What if an Indian tribe is allocated less funding under the IHBG Formula than it received in Fiscal Year (FY) 1996 for operating subsidy and modernization
24: 1000.342
   1000.342 Are undisbursed IHBG funds a factor in the grant formula