Title 24


Subpart C - Indian Housing Plan (IHP)

24: 1000.201
   1000.201 How are funds made available under NAHASDA
24: 1000.202
   1000.202 Who are eligible recipients
24: 1000.204
   1000.204 How does an Indian tribe designate itself as recipient of the grant
24: 1000.206
   1000.206 How is a TDHE designated
24: 1000.208
   1000.208 What happens if an Indian tribe had two IHAs as of September 30, 1996
24: 1000.210
   1000.210 What happens to existing 1937 Act units in those jurisdictions for which Indian tribes do not or cannot submit an IHP
24: 1000.212
   1000.212 Is submission of an IHP required
24: 1000.214
   1000.214 What is the deadline for submission of an IHP
24: 1000.216
   1000.216 What happens if the recipient does not submit the IHP to the Area ONAP by no later than 75 days before the beginning of the tribal program year
24: 1000.218
   1000.218 Who prepares and submits an IHP
24: 1000.220
   1000.220 What are the requirements for the IHP
24: 1000.222
   1000.222 Are there separate IHP requirements for small Indian tribes and small TDHEs
24: 1000.224
   1000.224 Can any part of the IHP be waived
24: 1000.225
   1000.225 When may a waiver of the IHP submission deadline be requested
24: 1000.226
   1000.226 Can the certification requirements of section 102(c)(5) of NAHASDA be waived by HUD
24: 1000.227
   1000.227 What shall HUD do upon receipt of an IHP submission deadline waiver request
24: 1000.228
   1000.228 If HUD changes its IHP format will Indian tribes be involved
24: 1000.230
   1000.230 What is the process for HUD review of IHPs and IHP amendments
24: 1000.232
   1000.232 Can an Indian tribe or TDHE amend its IHP
24: 1000.234
   1000.234 Can HUD's determination regarding the non-compliance of an IHP or a modification to an IHP be appealed
24: 1000.236
   1000.236 What are eligible administrative and planning expenses
24: 1000.238
   1000.238 What percentage of the IHBG funds can be used for administrative and planning expenses
24: 1000.239
   1000.239 May a recipient establish and maintain reserve accounts for administration and planning
24: 1000.240
   1000.240 When is a local cooperation agreement required for affordable housing activities
24: 1000.242
   1000.242 When does the requirement for exemption from taxation apply to affordable housing activities
24: 1000.244
   1000.244 If the recipient has made a good-faith effort to negotiate a cooperation agreement and tax-exempt status but has been unsuccessful through no fault of its own, may the Secretary waive the requirement for a cooperation agreement and a tax exemption
24: 1000.246
   1000.246 How must HUD respond to a request for waiver of the requirement for a cooperation agreement and a tax exemption