Title 20


Subpart I - Administrative and Management Provisions

20: 686.900
   686.900 Are damages caused by the acts or omissions of students eligible for payment under the Federal Tort Claims Act
20: 686.905
   686.905 Are loss and damages that occur to persons or personal property of students at Job Corps centers eligible for reimbursement
20: 686.910
   686.910 If a student is injured in the performance of duty as a Job Corps student, what benefits may the student receive
20: 686.915
   686.915 When is a Job Corps student considered to be in the performance of duty
20: 686.920
   686.920 How are students protected from unsafe or unhealthy situations
20: 686.925
   686.925 What are the requirements for criminal law enforcement jurisdiction on center property
20: 686.930
   686.930 Are Job Corps operators and service providers authorized to pay State or local taxes on gross receipts
20: 686.935
   686.935 What are the financial management responsibilities of Job Corps center operators and other service providers
20: 686.940
   686.940 Are center operators and service providers subject to Federal audits
20: 686.945
   686.945 What are the procedures for management of student records
20: 686.950
   686.950 What procedures apply to disclosure of information about Job Corps students and program activities
20: 686.955
   686.955 What are the reporting requirements for center operators and operational support service providers
20: 686.960
   686.960 What procedures are available to resolve complaints and disputes
20: 686.965
   686.965 How does Job Corps ensure that complaints or disputes are resolved in a timely fashion
20: 686.970
   686.970 How does Job Corps ensure that centers or other service providers comply with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and the WIOA regulations
20: 686.975
   686.975 How does Job Corps ensure that contract disputes will be resolved
20: 686.980
   686.980 How does Job Corps resolve disputes between the U.S. Department of Labor and the U.S. Department of Agriculture regarding the operation of Job Corps centers
20: 686.985
   686.985 What Department of Labor equal opportunity and nondiscrimination regulations apply to Job Corps