Title 20


Subpart B - One-Stop Partners and the Responsibilities of Partners

20: 678.400
   678.400 Who are the required one-stop partners
20: 678.405
   678.405 Is Temporary Assistance for Needy Families a required one-stop partner
20: 678.410
   678.410 What other entities may serve as one-stop partners
20: 678.415
   678.415 What entity serves as the one-stop partner for a particular program in the local area
20: 678.420
   678.420 What are the roles and responsibilities of the required one-stop partners
20: 678.425
   678.425 What are the applicable career services that must be provided through the one-stop delivery system by required one-stop partners
20: 678.430
   678.430 What are career services
20: 678.435
   678.435 What are the business services provided through the one-stop delivery system, and how are they provided
20: 678.440
   678.440 When may a fee be charged for the business services in this subpart