Title 20


Subpart A - Purpose and Definitions

20: 669.100
   669.100 What is the purpose of the National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP) and the other services and activities established under WIA section 167
20: 669.110
   669.110 What definitions apply to this program
20: 669.120
   669.120 How do we administer the NFJP program
20: 669.130
   669.130 What unit within the Department administers the National Farmworker Jobs Program funded under WIA section 167
20: 669.140
   669.140 How does the Division of Seasonal Farmworker Programs (DSFP) assist the MSFW grantee organizations to serve farmworker customers
20: 669.150
   669.150 How are regulations established for this program
20: 669.160
   669.160 How do we consult with NFJP organizations in developing rules, regulations and standards of accountability, and other policy guidance for the NFJP
20: 669.170
   669.170 What WIA regulations apply to the programs funded under WIA section 167