Title 20


Subpart A - Funding

20: 667.100
   667.100 When do Workforce Investment Act grant funds become available
20: 667.105
   667.105 What award document authorizes the expenditure of Workforce Investment Act funds under title I of the Act
20: 667.107
   667.107 What is the period of availability for expenditure of WIA funds
20: 667.110
   667.110 What is the Governor/Secretary Agreement
20: 667.120
   667.120 What planning information must a State submit in order to receive a formula grant
20: 667.130
   667.130 How are WIA title I formula funds allocated to local workforce investment areas
20: 667.135
   667.135 What “hold harmless” provisions apply to WIA adult and youth allocations
20: 667.140
   667.140 Does a Local Board have the authority to transfer funds between programs
20: 667.150
   667.150 What reallotment procedures does the Secretary use
20: 667.160
   667.160 What reallocation procedures must the Governors use
20: 667.170
   667.170 What responsibility review does the Department conduct for awards made under WIA title I, subtitle D